List Of Complex Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are very important when it comes to weight loss. You need to know which carbs are good and which ones are bad.

There are two types of carbohydrates. They include simple carbs (fast burning) and complex carbohydrates (slow burning).

Complex carbs are what you want to eat. Complex carbs are burned slowly by your body, allowing your body to burn bodyfat for energy. Also, complex carbs helps with long term energy.

So, what are some examples of slow-burning carbohydrates? I've complied a list of complex carbohydrates as noted below:

1. Red Apples
2. Sweet Potato
3. Yams
4. Wheat bread
5. Wheat pastas
6. Oatmeal
7. brown rice
8. whole wheat bagels
9. bran foods
10. whole grain cereals

This list of complex carbohydrates will help you in your efforts to lose weight, while also helping increase your energy levels.

Stick around for other helpful tips on how to lose 15 pounds fast. I'll also include tips on how to tone and tighten your muscles, as well as how to get firm abs.

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