15 Fat Burning Foods- Lose Fat By Eating More (Part 2)

This is the continuation of the 15 fat burning foods. I've also decided to add some "bonus" drinks that'll help you burn fat. Well, enough with the rumbling, let's get to part 2 of the 15 fat burning foods.

The 15 fat burning foods are:

8. Grapefruit- has been shown to help increase metabolism and burn fat.

9. Celery- I've heard that it takes your body more calories to burn or digest celery, than the amount of calories in a celery. Which means, if a celery is 20 calories, it takes your body more to digest it. Great fat burning food!

10. Green beans- dark green veggies have been shown to help reduce your appetite.

11. Asparagus- dark green veggie that's good for you and helps with weight loss.

12. Broccoli- Same benefits as other green veggies.

13. Cauliflower- helps with metabolism.

14. Tilapia- lean fish that's packed with protein. Great for burning fat.

15. Turkey- lean protein source. Excellent for helping with weight loss.

Bonus: Red wine. It's been shown to help with weight loss. Drinking one cup a week will do the trick. It's also great for your heart.

Make sure you don't fry any of your foods. Also, don't forget to eat frequently. You should eat every 2-3 hours.